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Equality Objectives


At South Normanton Nursery School, we are committed to empower and enable our children on their journey to be independent, confident and responsible citizens ready for their next steps in the world and prepared for life in Modern Britain where they can become adults who contribute positively to the local and wider community.  We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity - celebrating the ways in which we are each different, while highlighting the many ways in which we are all the same.  


The Equality Act 2010 sets out the duty of public bodies, including schools to have due regard to the need to: 


  • Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act,
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and

      people who do not share it,

  • Foster good relations across all characteristics - between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.


In fulfilling our legal obligations we will:

  • Recognise and respect diversity
  • Foster positive attitudes and relationships and a sense of belonging
  • Observe good equalities practice, including staff recruitment, retention and development and support around mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Aim to reduce and remove existing inequalities and barriers
  • Consult and involve widely
  • Strive to ensure that society will benefit


We have set ourselves the following objectives for 2023-24, these are reflected in the school’s overall School Improvement Plan, individual children’s Learning Programmes and through assessment data.


  • ensuring that through assessment and quality first provision, gaps in progress and attainment are closed between all school groups.
  • ensuring children with SEND are appropriately supported and provided with a suitably differentiated curriculum that meets their developmental needs
  • audit the school environment and provision to ensure that it reflects the backgrounds of the children and families from our community and provides opportunities for new experiences and knowledge about other cultures, traditions and beliefs including disabilities.