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Nursery Sessions and Wrap Around Care

Nursery Sessions Available

Children can access sessions as follows:


SessionSession TimesHours
Morning plus breakfast7.30am to 11.30am4
Morning8.30am to 11.30am3
Morning plus lunch8.30am to 12.30pm4
Morning plus breakfast plus lunch7.30am to 12.30pm5
Afternoon12.30pm to 3.30pm3
Afternoon plus lunch11.30am to 3.30pm4
Full day8.30am to 3.30pm7
Full day plus breakfast7.30am to 3.30pm8


Dinner Time


From September 2023, we will no longer be serving cooked meals at lunchtime. This is due to rising costs and a lack of funding for nursery schools. Instead, we will be asking parents to send their child to nursery with a packed lunch if they are staying over lunchtime.


We ask that parents send in a balanced packed lunch for their child (some tips for your child's lunchbox are available in the document at the bottom of this page).  Please make sure that you think about the amount of food that you send – do not send in too much. There is no need to send in a drink, as to comply with requirements in the Early Years Statutory Framework, we will be providing children with a drink of water. The school has also put in place a ‘no nuts’ policy and has additional guidance on how we will deal with food allergies, that children may have.


Parents are asked to put their child’s lunch in a named lunchbox. This will be kept on a lunch trolley until it is time to eat. Children will not be able to access it at any other time, so please do not put any additional snacks in – we will still provide a snack through each session. We will also make sure that your child’s rubbish will go back into their lunchbox, so that you can see what they have eaten. 


If you have any questions, then please contact Moira or Peter.




Wrap Around Care

Breakfast Session

We run a breakfast session every day from 7.30am to 8.30am. From September 2024, the cost of this session will be £6.20, regardless of what time your child arrives. This hour can be taken from your 30 hours entitlement, if you have a valid eligibility code and your child is not already accessing over 30 hours funding.


Additional Hours

We offer parents the opportunity to buy additional nursery hours to access a longer day or a lunchtime session.  From September 2024, the cost per hour will be £6.20. These sessions can complement the morning or afternoon education sessions, and are allocated dependent on availability of hours and considering the needs of the child.


E.g. if a child attends a morning session, they could access another 4 hours at a cost of £24.80 (4 x £6.20) to make a full day from 8.30am to 3.30pm. Alternatively, these hours can be taken from your 30 hours entitlement, if you have a valid eligibility code and your child is not already accessing over 30 hours funding.


After School Club

Although we don't have an after school club on site, our children can access the club at the Glebe Junior School which runs until 6.00pm every day at a cost of £11.25 per day. The club is provided by JPAC Ltd, a professional childcare company with expertise in out-of-school care. JPAC are Early Years registered with Ofsted and parents are able to use their 30 hours entitlement to pay for sessions. More information about JPAC can be found here alternatively, contact 07925 087150 or email for more details


Holiday Club

Our nursery is open term time only, although during school holidays our children are able to access the holiday club run by JPAC at the Glebe Junior School.


As at July 2023, the club runs from 7.30am to 6.00pm. Charges are £32.00 for a full day or £19 for any 5 hour period.

Click here for more details.






Lunchbox tips
