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Nursery Uniform

Learning and play at nursery is always active and can often be very messy. For these reasons, we ask that all our children wear a uniform to nursery. Our uniform consists of:


  • a navy cardigan or jumper - these can either be purchased with the school logo (from the link below) or children can wear plain navy jumpers or cardigans
  • a yellow polo shirt (with no logo)
  • grey trousers/skirts or pinafores (with no logo) - joggers or leggings are fine for easy of toileting.
  • in the summer term, yellow gingham dresses (with no logo) are also acceptable
  • black shoes (where possible) preferably with velcro fastenings. No open toed shoes for health and safety reasons. 


Logo cardigans and jumpers can be purchased from School Trends using the following link:


All uniform items with NO logo are widely available at all the large supermarkets.


We also ask that ALL children have a pair of wellies to keep at nursery for outdoor play.


Please ensure ALL uniform, including shoes, wellies, hats and coats are clearly labelled with your child's name, thus making it easier for items to be found and returned.

