Inclusion and SEND Information
See below for our SEND information report for this current year
Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information
At South Normanton Nursery School:
- The Headteacher is the Designated SENCO ( Special Education Needs Coordinator)
- Arrangements for admissions for children with SEND are outlined in our admissions policy
- Our nursery has an inclusive policy which is outline in our "Working Together" document.
- Each year the nursery updates its Accessibility Plan to improve our facilities and provision for children with SEND
- There is a designated Governor allocated for SEND (see Governor list)
- All Policies can be found on our website including the complaints policy
Provision at SNNS.
- Our nursery has always been a fully inclusive Nursery School. We are an enhanced resourced school and have an Early Years Specialist working to support our SEND children.
- In addition all our staff are experienced and trained to support children with SEND and children with SEND are the responsibility of the whole school
- We are a ‘Communication friendly’ environment and the use of signs and symbols are embedded in the way we work with children. We use Makaton throughout the nursery. All staff have been involved in ECaT training (Every Child a Talker) and have a good understanding of the principles needed to support and develop children’s language and communication.
- We support children’s physical development through a rich curriculum and environment and provide additional support through the ECaM project (Every Child a Mover)
- Our building is all on one level and is wheel chair friendly. We have a disabled toilet and electronic changing mat. We have a staff member who is trained in lifting and handling.
- The nursery liaises with a wide range of professionals including: Speech therapy, Occupation Therapy, Physiotherapy, Educational Psychology, Early Help Team, Positive 4 Young People, GP’s, Paediatricians and any other relevant professionals. Sometimes key professionals like the Speech Therapist will work with our children and staff in nursery.
- Nursery staff are always available to talk to parents about the needs of their children. Nursery follows a graduated response to children’s needs from the Universal offer at level 1 through to an Education Health Care Plan at Level 5.