Transition into Reception
We want to make sure that our children are ready for their next stage in learning, so we work closely with the local schools in ensuring that they have the best transition to Reception as possible. Children in nursery mainly transfer to either The Brigg or The Green Infant Schools in South Normanton. Nursery works together with both schools sharing projects, bidding for funds and sharing ideas and good practice. Children start school in the September of the school year in which they will be 5.
More information about the local infant schools can be found on their websites by clicking on the links below.
Parents apply to the local authority for a place at infant school starting in the November before their child is due to start. This is normally done on line. Nursery will notify and remind parents when applications need to be completed. If you have any questions or concerns regarding transition, then please see Peter.
To help children settle into their new school, they get to take home 'Mouse' towards the end of their time in nursery.
Mouse comes with some activities from the school that they will be joining in September, including a story book of Mouse's first day in his new school. There may be the opportunity for you and your child to attend 'Mouse Club' at their new school. Children and parents can also share the activities they have done with Mouse over the Summer Holiday with their new teacher. They can also take Mouse into their new school with them on their first day.
As part of the transition process staff from both schools visit the children at nursery, as well as talking to their keyworkers. If children have identified SEN, we will work with the school they are joining to ensure that they have additional visits or support from a staff member for the majority of their visits.
Derbyshire County Council – School Readiness
Derbyshire county council have also produced a document highlighting the 10 keys for unlocking school readiness if you child is developing typically for their age and the Early Years team at Derbyshire County Council have produced leaflets that will help you to support your child further with various issues around getting ready for school.
Click on each topic for the link to the leaflet.
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