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Use of Social Media

South Normanton Nursery School is committed to working with parents to promote children’s online safety and believes that, as adults, we have a responsibility to behave as role models in our own use of social media. Staff are subject to a policy and guidance concerning any use they make of such sites. We ask that parents, carers and other members of the school community also bear in mind their own approach to the use of social media as detailed in the school’s Online Safety Policy.


As a school, we strive to achieve the best for all children, however we recognise that on some occasions you may feel that we could have done better. We ask that careful thought is given to any posts concerning the school or members of staff. We would be grateful if parents do not use social media to raise concerns or complaints but, instead, encourage you to come into school and speak to us so that we can understand and help to solve the problem.  If you then feel that the issue has not been dealt with appropriately, we will provide you with the Complaints Procedure. It is all our interests to address issues without delay so that we can maintain the focus on children’s welfare and learning.


It is easy to make an entry on a site ‘in the heat of the moment’ but once material is on the internet it is difficult to fully erase. Such comments can be damaging to the individual and their welfare as well as, potentially, the smooth running of the school. There has been much publicity in recent times detailing the harmful effects experienced by children and adults from the misuse of social media. Inappropriate comments about staff, other parents or pupils will be addressed by the school in the same way as if these remarks were made in person, in the public domain.


The Police will be informed and legal advice taken with respect to any comments that are threatening, discriminatory, offensive, abusive, use foul language or threaten violence.


Although it is rewarding to hear of positive descriptions of school experience, it is important to bear in mind that other individuals may not wish to be named and situations can be misinterpreted. There are also likely to be negative consequences of posting pictures on social media which include children other than your own, without parents’ permission.


Our commitment to you is to put the pupils’ interests first and to work in partnership with you to achieve this goal. Your co-operation in relation to the use of social media would be greatly appreciated. This will enable us to deal with any issues of concern through the appropriate process, thus helping us to maintain the focus on the school’s core purpose.


Thank you

