Our nursery school is committed to safeguarding and we follow all Derbyshire Guidance with regards to safeguarding adults and children.
We have a duty to:
In terms of sharing information, our school has a duty of care and therefore a responsibility to pass any concerns to the Children's Early Help, Health, Police, Psychology & Social Care Services and/or Multi Agency services following the agreed information sharing guidance provided by Derbyshire.
At South Normanton Nursery School, we consider children in early years to be vulnerable due to their age – therefore specific teaching about safety and safeguarding is embedded in our teaching throughout the year to ensure that children know what safety looks like and therefore are able to recognise when they are not safe. (all specific teaching can be found on a document called ‘An overview of Safeguarding within the curriculum) One example of this is our teaching and learning around privacy using different stories and the NSPCC pants are private initiative.
As a result of this specific teaching and learning, children can talk confidently about the matters that they learn about and this contributes to their resilience and ability to keep themselves safe and ready to report if they are worried, concerned or being abused.
To view specific policies please ask at nursery or follow the link below to our policy page where policies are kept up to date:
Safeguarding and keeping children safe at South Normanton Nursery School
Keeping children safe at South Normanton Nursery School is of huge importance to us. We believe that safeguarding and health and safety is everybody's business. Peter and Moira are our Designated Safeguarding Lead members of staff and with the Governing Body, ensure that all staff are trained and updated with any safeguarding and health and safety matters.
Peter Hallsworth Headteacher and Main Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Sarah Waldram Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Moira Houston School Business Manager & Designated Safeguarding Lead |
If you have a concern regarding the safety of a child please come and talk to us or you can also phone Call Derbyshire at Starting Point on 01629 533190 or contact the police.
Parents should be aware that our school is required to take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child might be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, the Headteacher is obliged to follow safeguarding/child protection procedures established by Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, DCC and inform Social Services of their concern.
We invite parents and carers to help us keep our children safe by following policies and procedures relating to child protection and safeguarding and health and safety which are all clearly signposted on our website. Parent workshops are held to support and highlight areas of child development with a relentless emphasis on the importance of safeguarding and child protection to us as a school and the collective responsibility we feel for children and families in our community and beyond.
We see the importance of educating staff, Governors and parents about issues that are important in society at this time and as frontline staff, we understand our place in watching out for vulnerable people and families that are susceptible to such issues, not ever being complacent thinking ‘that doesn’t happen in South Normanton’.
To see our Early Help offer then please click here.
Safeguarding children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities
Even though we ensure that all children are treated equally, we know that children with special educational needs and disabilities are at higher risk of harm than most children, yet keeping them safe can be more of a challenge. For children with the most profound difficulties, with little or no verbal communication and a need for intimate care, their vulnerability is extremely high. At SNNS, we have many policies and procedures, updated training and support networks in place which mean that our children with additional needs are safeguarded.
We ensure that try to support the wider school community with safeguarding these vulnerable young people.
Article 23 of the UN convention on the rights of a child states that
Article 23 Children have the right to special education and care if they have a disability, as well as all the rights in this Convention, so that they can live a full life.
Here are some websites which can offer support and guidance for keeping children with SEND safe.
We have adopted a software package called My Concern to support our safeguarding arrangements. The requirements of relevant legislation, statutory guidance, our own policies and the safeguarding training provided by us or on our behalf will always remain the definitive source of safeguarding guidance for users of My Concern. Any questions about the use of My Concern should be directed to our Designated Safeguarding Lead Team – Peter, Sarah or Moira.
You as parents/carers or visitors to our Nursery, can also help to keep our children safe in lots of ways.
South Normanton Nursery School - Protocol for the use of mobile phones
The use of mobile phones while working with children is not permitted. Phones must be kept locked away along with personal belongings. We trust staff to comply with this, sign to say they understand and that they would face disciplinary action if the protocol is breached.
Parents/carers and visitors are reminded that the use of mobile phones in our setting is not permitted. If staying for any length of time, phones must be turned off and kept in a safe location along with their personal belongings. If this protocol is breached then they will be asked to leave their phone in the office where they can collect it upon leaving the nursery. Failure to adhere will result in being asked to leave the premises.
Signs are clearly visible to parents/carers and visitors and it is regularly mentioned on newsletters to parents/carers that the use of mobile phones in and about the premises is not permitted.
Most children spend some time staying with friends and relatives at some time during their childhood. However, for some children these arrangements can be longer term.
Private fostering is the term used to describe an arrangement made privately (that is without the involvement of a local authority) between a child's parents and a carer of their choice.
For more information on Private Fostering if you are living in Derbyshire, please click here.
Entrusting the care of your child to someone else is not a decision to be taken lightly. It is important that the private foster carer - and all other members of their household - are suitable and will take good care of your child.
For more information on how Derbyshire County Council can help you if you are private fostering, please click here and for more information on what to expect if you are a 'private fosterer' then please click here.
Here are some areas of safeguarding that we have been looking at more closely.
Safeguarding guidance and advice changes regularly and quickly, so we ensure that we consider all aspects that are updated or amended. We pride ourselves on being able to consider such changes or amendments and react appropriately to our context - the age of our pupils, the support we give to families and our staff, governors and parent knowledge and understanding.
If you want to know more about these areas, do not hesitate to come and see the designated safeguarding leads in school (Peter, Sarah or Moira).