As a Derbyshire maintained Nursery with enhanced resource status, inclusion and providing high quality provision for children with SEND is embedded within our learning culture at South Normanton Nursery School. We recognise all children's entitlements to learning experiences that respects diversity, enables participation, removes barriers and anticipates and considers a variety of learning needs and preferences.
SEND provision at South Normanton Nursery School reflects the new Code of Practice and updated guidance regarding legal requirements surrounding our duty to provide for children with SEN under Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014. All staff at SNNS understand and are continuously aware that children with additional needs are more vulnerable and safeguarding those children is of utmost priority.
At South Normanton Nursery School it is clear that as a result of our highly skilled practitioners, we have early identification of additional needs and tailored intervention. School readiness is always a focus and we work effectively with local schools and settings to ensure a smooth and seamless transition supporting both child and family.
Click here to find out more about the SEN Code of Practice as a parent/carer.
Click here for more information regarding 'Identifying special educational needs in under fives' and 'Getting Help for special educational needs in under fives'