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02/10/2020: Exciting news about the #BigOutdoorArtChallenge!

You may remember back in July that we took part in the #BigOutdoorArtChallenge, as part of Children’s Art Week which ran from 6th to 12 July. 


We know that spending time in the outdoors has a positive effect on mental health and taking time to appreciate nature’s beauty through art can also have a lasting impact on wellbeing.


So throughout that week we explored the natural environment and collected all sorts of natural materials like sticks, stones, petals and leaves, from the nursery garden and then using them to create our very own natural art.


We also looked at a selection of natural art created by other people to inspire us with our creations.


We asked all the children at home to have a go at being natural artists too and show is their creations on Tapestry!...and guess what.. of our fabulous nursery children won the national prize for the Early Years category!  


We are so very proud of him for his fantastic artistic efforts creating his Pine Cone Pirate ship...very well done!


He has been presented with a very special certificate from the Council for learning outside the classroom and our nursery have received a voucher to help us buy products to support outdoor learning as well as a Messy Maths Outdoors book and membership to the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom for a year so we can access lots of materials to make our outdoor learning at nursery even better.


What a fantastic achievement to celebrate!
