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Transition into Nursery

Transition into Nursery (FS1)

At South Normanton Nursery School, we want to make sure that your child gets the best start possible to the time they spend with us. To help our new children come into nursery, we would like to introduce Monkey.


Every new starter will get their own Monkey delivered to their house, with some activities that parents can do with Monkey and their child before they start nursery. These for example could be thinking of a name for Monkey, making a bed for Monkey and dressing Monkey in his own clothes. There is also a story book looking at Monkey’s first day at nursery.

You can also watch our virtual tour here with Monkey, so that you can see what nursery is like inside and our fantastic outdoor area.

You will be invited to join us at 'Monkey Club' where you and your child will get the opportunity to see nursery and get to meet new friends. You will also get to meet your child's Key Worker and other staff, whilst doing some activities linked to Monkey. 

Peter or Debbie will also bring Monkey to visit you at home, so we can get to know your child better and see what they like to do and what toys they like to play with. This helps us to settle them quickly when they join us.

When children start with us in nursery, they can bring their Monkey along with them. Monkey then sits in the ‘Monkey Forest’ with all the other monkeys and watches us play and learn until it is time to go home.
