We’ve been busy in phonics over the last two weeks...reading our Jasper’s Beanstalk story.
As well as describing what was happening in the story we made the sounds of the tools that Jasper used, repeating the sequences of sounds and we talked about the days of the week and how they repeated. We also learned a new song to help us to remember the days of the week too which had some great actions and sounds that we made with our bodies.
We used our symbols to remind us of how to do good learning in group and it was also a great opportunity to talk about growing and the things that the bean needed to grow.
We continued this learning outside in the nursery garden when we did really good looking for the signs of spring and found spring flowers, buds and insects in the garden. We also found some litter that had blown in, so we decided to use our litter pickers to make the garden tidy, neat and clean, whilst singing our song to help us.
In our creative area we painted some of the beautiful daffodils that are a sign of spring and later practised creating our own colours by mixing water colour paints.
In our maths learning we’ve been reading a story called ‘Tall’ about Bobo the monkey and how he compared his size to the other jungle animals and wanted to be the tallest!
It helped us to use different words to talk about size (tall, taller, tallest, small, smaller, smallest) We even started to compare our own heights. We continued this learning in nursery by measuring with tape measures and in the garden measuring with sticks and on our measuring dinosaur to see who was the tallest and shortest.
We’ve also enjoyed stories and information books about germs and about the things that we have found tricky during lockdown, like not seeing some of our friends and family. ‘All about Germs’ and ‘When We Can’t Hug’ gave us the opportunity talk about how we felt and things that we have done to show that we love our friends and family…even when we couldn’t see them or give them a cuddle. Thanks to Theon’s Mum for recommending such great books.
Thoroughout the last few weeks we have also been talking about our opinions and how friends may have an idea that is different to ours, but that that’s ok. We also talked about our right to have our own thoughts and ideas and to be listened to. (UNCRC Articles 12 and 14)
When we revisited our Smarty the Penguin story after Safer Internet Day before half term, to remind children about being safe when using the internet, many remembered the special song which tells us how to be safe when using computers or tablets and William volunteered to be recorded to help everyone else remember too...well done William!