We’ve been using mud to help us with our learning!
Friday 29th June is International Mud Day… a way to connect and celebrate the natural joys of playing in the mud! So in celebration of this we decided to think about all the different ways that we could use mud to help us with our learning.
Mud is great for so many things and we already use it a lot at nursery, but last week more than ever.
We used mud in our mud kitchen to make mud pies, feeling and changing the texture by adding water and different materials and we used tools to stir and mix the mud. All of this provided great opportunities for the children’s speech and language as well as cooperative play.
We used mud to mark make with…an interesting way to strengthen those finger muscles and improve fine motor skills and to make some lovely pictures!
We also helped the dinosaurs to explore the mud by creating a muddy environment for them in the tough spot. We put on our wellingtons and had a good splash in the mud in the digging area, listening for the noises that it made and experiencing the squelch under our feet!
We talked to the children about International Mud Day and how people all over the world were having fun and learning with mud. This helped to contextualise their learning and give them a broader understanding of how they are a part of the wider community and the wider world… a key part of our learning on identity. We also discussed this blog as a way of sharing our learning with the wider community and the children mentioned that “anyone can use google” so we chatted about people all over the world accessing our website via an internet connection, to share our fantastic learning.
For more information on international Mud Day and even some ideas of things you could try, please follow the link below and enjoy looking at our photos…mud is good!
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