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13/09/19: Welcome back to nursery everyone...what a great start to the new year

Welcome back to nursery everyone, we hope you had a great summer and we are enjoying looking at some of the things that you’ve been up to on Tapestry.


This week we have welcomed over 30 new children to nursery in and we have been very busy helping everyone to settle in to the new routines. We’re so proud of our older children who have been fantastic role models and have been providing peer support, reminding our new children about where to go what to do and all of our routines in nursery…they really have done a fantastic job!


 Over the next week as all the children join our nursery Bee and Ladybird groups, we will be adding to the Identity Tree in nursery to help all of our children understand about how important they are as individuals, but also as new members Bee and Ladybird group and South Normanton Nursery School. We are all so excited about this years learning at nursery…remember to check back regularly to find out about what we’ve been up to.
