During April we have again been revisiting some very important learning at nursery about our bodies and especially PANTS. We have been talking with the children about their bodies, reminding them that their bodies belong to them and that some parts of their bodies are private which is why they are covered up by their pants. We talked about our right to privacy as outlined by Article 16 of the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child and discussed that this was the right of all children everywhere and we discussed what this right to privacy meant for us when we are in nursery. We have read different stories about pants as a starting point for discussions about pants and privacy and shared a song from the child friendly song from the NSPCC called Pantosaurus, which supported the children's learning at an appropriate level and made the information a little more accessible.
We will continue to revisit all of this learning throughout the year as is a very important aspect of the children's Personal, social and emotional development helping them to learn about themselves, their bodies and their feelings and giving them an understanding which keeps them safe, both now and as they get older.
If you have any questions or need further advice, contact Ruth at school to arrange a chat.
There is lots more information on the NSPCC website to help parents/ carers talk about privacy and the PANTS rule with their children including the Pantosaurus song again with your child, please use the links below.
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