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Easter/ Spring Activity Day: 06/04/14

Our easter/ Spring activity day was an egg'tra special success!

Despite the rainy weather, we welcomed a record number of children and parents/ carers, grandparents and other family members joining in with spring and Easter activities, in nursery and in the nursery garden.

We learnt about the traditional religious and non religious celebrations that take place at this time of year including making Easter baskets, decorating and eating eggs and learning about new life.

Our children and families enjoyed making chocolate nests, Easter cards, daffodil paintings and naking spring hats to wear in nursery.

Those brave enough to go outside, hunted for the numbea eggs and took part in an egg and spoon race in the nursery garden!

Many thanks to all who supported us in making this day of Springy playing and learning at nursery lots and lots of fun.
