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  • Parking on Hamlet Lane

    Fri 06 May 2016

    We have had several complaints from parents/residents about parking during drop off and collection times. This is always highlighted on nursery newsletters and through texts. Keeping  children safe is our main priority.


    Please find below a letter from the police regarding parking on Hamlet Lane.



    Dear Parent/Guardian






    The "School Run" is a busy time and when your children are most at risk.  Careless parking near schools, often by parents bringing their children to or collecting their children ultimately causes problems.


    We are writing to ask for your support in this area and to think before you park your car. 


    When parking please consider the following…..


    Are you causing any obstructions to other road users or residents?

    Are you putting anybody at risk?

    Are you parking legally?


    This means do not park fully on pavements, do not block resident’s drives, do not park on or near to junctions, do not park on the yellow zig zags, do not double park (ask yourself can an emergency vehicle pass through?)


    If you do bring your child by car, please stop well away from the school entrance and try to avoid turning or reversing near the entrance.  You are only risking either your own child or another’s child’s life through inconsiderate parking. Think, how you would feel if it was your child that was injured by inconsiderate parking.


    If this advice is ignored then this leaves us no alternative but to issue fixed penalty tickets to offending vehicles, which amounts to a fine of £90.


    Yours faithfully,


    South Normanton and Pinxton Safer Neighbourhood Team

    PC 14115 Dan Bird

    PCSO 12702 Maz Jeffery

    PCSO 12756 Lucy Naughton
